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Does Arketa send out emails for me?
Updated over a year ago

Transactional Emails

Type of Email

When is the email sent out

Where you can configure this email

Confirmation emails in-person

After any class booking

Confirmation emails livestream

After any class booking

Reminder emails in-person

1 hour before class starts

Same as confirmation emails

Reminder emails livestream

45 minutes before class starts

Same as confirmation emails

Pricing confirmation email

After pricing option is purchased

Community confirmation email

When community offering is purchased


After any purchase

You can learn how to set these up here.

Promotional Emails

Can be found in "Marketing --> Emails"


When is it sent

First visit

30 minutes after first livestream/in-person visit.

Class Package: Low

Immediately when class pack remaining goes from 2 to 1.

Class Package: Expiring

7 days before package expires.

Canceled Subscription

When a client cancels a subscription

New Account

When client creates an account or you add them to your client list.

I Miss you

When a student hasn’t interacted in 30 days. Sent maximum 2x per year.

Happy Birthday

One day before a student's birthday.

How to set up promotional emails

  1. Turn on the toggle or tap the pencil icon to edit

3. Update subject line and body and click "Save changes"

4. Toggle on "Enable Email"

Do I receive these emails also?

Yes, Arketa also sends you a copy of many of these emails! To configure these for promotion emails edit any email and look for the toggle for "CC Business Owner"

Looking for more email automations? Live chat us to learn more about building out custom automations and campaigns!

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