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How to add a class
Updated over a week ago

The Basics

  1. Go to class schedule

  2. Tap on "Add New"

  3. Select a Template of Build a class from scratch

  4. Add information and click save changes.

Step-by-step instructions

1. Go to class schedule

Tap Full Schedule or Classes in the menu bar to the lefthand side of the screen and click Add new

2. Basic Information

  1. Basic information

    1. Select a template which is best for classes you have all the time. Templates can be created in Setup --> Service Types

    2. Add name

    3. Build out a description

    4. Select location In Person or Virtual

    5. Make your class public or private

3. Scheduling

  1. Add starting date as today or select field to choose a date in the future

  2. Choose a specific date or weekly

    1. If weekly choose if the class ends never or on a specific date

  3. Select the days of the week the class is offered

  4. Select the start time

  5. Add duration in minutes

  6. Select the instructor. You can add multiple instructors to a single class.

  7. Choose room (if eligible)

  8. Choose capacity (if livestream, feel free to update to 100)

Note: We recommend you build a different recurring class for each date and time even if you have two dates at the same time. That way mass editing times, instructors etc. is much faster and easier in the future.

4. Pricing Settings

Select the pricing option for an individual class.

  1. Free: No credit card required for class

  2. Sliding Scale: Choose a minimum price and recommended price for class. Great for donation classes.

  3. Paid: Has a drop in price on the class itself. Great for events with a quick drop-in price.

  4. Package & Subscription only (recommended for most classes): This requires that the customer uses one of your pricing options such as a package, subscription bundle for this option. Ensures that you have a credit only policy and no refunds are provided.

5. Advanced Settings

  1. Information about class - great if you plan to upload this class to your library

    1. Class Type

    2. Area of focus

    3. Intensity

    4. Equipment

  2. Checkout confirmation - displays on the confirmation class post booking

  3. Preview image - displays in confirmation and reminder emails

  4. Display preview image at checkout - great for marketing event.

  5. Open scheduling date. By default all class open immediately.

    1. Open scheduling: Opens class immediately based on your windows

    2. Delay scheduling: Delays scheduling to in the future

      1. Specific date: This will delay scheduling availability until after a defined date and time. Post all 300 classes Sunday 12 pm PT.

      2. Relative date: This will delay scheduling availability until a relative date before class starts. i.e 1 week before class starts at 12pm PT. Post all classes for a single week 1 week before class Sunday at 12pm PT.

Click Save Class to add all classes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a class vs. event.

Event: By default is drop-in only.

How many classes should I add at a time?

You should add as many as you feel comfortable in your schedule.

Can I have multiple instructors?

In order to have multiple instructors at your studio, you will need to have a studio plan. Live chat us to learn more about our tiers to best support multiple instructors.

Can I invite a guest instructor to teach?

Yup, go here to learn more about guest instructors EDIT THIS LINK TO NEW ARTICLE

Do I have to host my livestream class on Zoom?

You can host your livestream classes wherever you'd like! If you prefer to teach on another platform, copy + paste the hosting link by choosing the location as OTHER

Can I host classes in-person?

Sure! Just type in the location and we'll send over directions for your student. If you prefer to keep the exact location private, you can add the region and state.

Can I make classes re-occurring? / Can I add multiple classes at once?

Yes! You can schedule as many classes as you'd like in advance! Please note booking windows for class open up 90 days by default but can be changed i your settings.

Can I cap my classes at a certain number?

Yes! Update your max capacity and we'll make sure your classes do not overbook. Once a class books up the Sign-Up button will switch to Add to Waitlist.

Can I make my classes sliding-scale?

Sure! On the 3rd screen, under payment details. Update your classes to donation based. From there you can pick a minimum requirement and a suggested price.

What happens if I edit my zoom settings after adding a class?

24hrs before a scheduled Zoom class, a new link will be created with your current Zoom settings.

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