In order to best troubleshoot any video issues you may have here are the things that you can send our team to help you troubleshoot. Below are also the most common issues and how you can resolve them.
Device client is using
Name of video
Screenshot or video to show the video experience
My video is laggy / slow
Ensure that your client is using optimal wifi or has plugged their device into wifi. If your video file is too large you can make it smaller here.
My video is black
Try running your video through handbrake here. For future videos, if they are recorded on iphones, you can use this video here.
2. This file type is not supported
Run your video through handbrake.
3. My video has been uploading for hours
Run your video through handbrake.
4. My video file is too big
Run your video through handbrake.
5. My customer is unable to see my video
The first thing to check is if the video is not working or if the client is unable to log in. If they are encountering a video issue see above.
If the client's login isn't working confirm the following thing:
The client is using the correct email
The client is unlocking a video included in the membership
You have set up the package/membership correctly that unlocks this video
How to run my video through Handbrake
Download Handbrake
Choose video file
See recommended settings below
press start
Watch the video below for a walkthrough!