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E-signature for Liability Waivers
Updated over 7 months ago

What is the e-signature for liability waivers?

An eSignature, or electronic signature, is a digital form of signing documents or contracts, allowing for a more efficient workflow for clients.

What does this experience look like for clients?

When a client signs up for a class, they will be asked to first acknowledge the liability waiver, then asked to e-sign.

They will be asked for first and last name, email address and phone number first:

Then they will be presented with the liability waiver that was created under Settings > General Business Settings and asked to e-sign:

Viewing the liability wavier for clients

You can view the liability waiver for a client by going to their profile under Clients and scrolling down to Liability waiver:

You can:

  • View signed waiver

  • Download signed waiver as a PDF

  • Send copy of waiver to the client

If the client has not signed the liability waiver, it will look like this:

You can:

  • Resend the waiver (via email OR text!)

  • View unsigned waiver

  • Copy link to the unsigned waiver

Requesting e-signature from previous clients:

You can request an e-signature from clients that have previously just acknowledged the liability waiver in the past.

To do this, go to Settings > General Business Settings and scroll down to the bottom of the page and select "Reset Term Agreements for All Clients". You will need to confirm the request, then you'll see a pop up confirming that the liability waiver has been "reset" to request the e-signature from new and existing clients.

Note: if you request an e-signature from ALL clients again, then any current clients will be asked to e-sign the liability waiver the next time they sign up for a class.

Turning off the option for e-signature:

  1. Go to Settings > General Business Settings

  2. De-select the box "Enable signed liability waiver"

  3. Click Save

After this option is saved, then clients will not be asked to sign the liability waiver and will be asked to just acknowledge it moving forward.

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