Check-In Notes: Brief notes about a customer that are intended to be viewed by staff behind the desk. These notes provide quick insights into the customer's preferences, special considerations, or any relevant information that can enhance their experience.
Display: These notes do show up on the class check in screen.
i.e client likes when you tell them about new retail shipments
Client notes: Notes about a client that pertain to a client in general. These notes capture details about the client's performance, feedback, progress but are not correlated to a specific client.
Display: These notes do not show up on the class check in screen.
i.e client initial assessment and feedback
Session Notes: Notes about a client that pertain to a specific session. These notes capture details about the client's performance, feedback, progress, or any noteworthy observations made during the session.
Display: These notes do show up on the class check in screen.
i.e client is running late for this specific appointment.