Before setting up pay-rates for your instructors you will want to make sure you have added all of your service types.
Under "Team --> Pay Rates"
1. How to Add a Pay Rate
Tap "Add New"
Select from
Group Class Rate
Appointments rate
Video rate
a. Classes Pay Rates
Fill out the following fields
Base Rate: Minimum rate your instructor makes
Payout Limits: The first field indicates the minimum (least amount your instructor can make). The second field indicates the maximum (most amount your instructor can make)
Base Percentage: Indicates a % of revenue (after taxes + fees) from the revenue received for class. This is not depend on if the student shows up or now.
Range Bonus: Applies the % revenue only based on the range
Bonus per sign up: Applies a bonus per student that signs up
Range bonus per sign up: Applies a bonus per sign up based on attendance
Single bonus per sign up: Applies a total bonus based on attendance
Only count customers who are checked in: Will exclusive compensation from students who have not been checked in for class
Include customers who have late cancelled: Will exclusive compensation from students who have cancelled class and therefore are not attending
Exclude clients who were "Manually Added" or added to class for free: Will exclude clients from the pay rate if they were manually added to the class OR added as "free" to the class
Excluded pricing options: You can exclude pricing options from being included in the pay rate
By default students who cancel attending class are not calculated in payroll reporting.
b. 1-on-1 Pay Rates
Fill out the following fields
Total rate
Revenue share (only based on drop-in's and packages)
Note: 1x1 sessions can have a $ rate, % rate or both.
c. On-Demand Content Pay Rates
Fill out the following fields
Total rate
Revenue share (only based on drop-in's and packages)
2. Set default pay rates for each instructor
From "Setup --> Team"
Tap on "Pay Rates"
Select a rate, scroll to the bottom and click "Save"
3. Generate Payroll Report
Under People --> Payroll Reporting you can generate a Payroll report at the end of the month.
Filter by instructor, type of class and a start date / end date. Once you tap "Generate Report" a CSV will download the amount to be paid out to every instructor.