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Mailchimp Integration
Updated over a week ago

With our seamless integration you can add your contacts from Arketa directly to Mailchimp.

1: Preparation

  • Task 1.1: Start at the home screen of your dashboard, located at

2: Navigate to Settings and Integrations

  • Task 2.1: Locate and click on the "Settings" option on your home screen.

  • Task 2.2: Within "Settings," find and select the "Integrations" tab.

    • πŸ“ Note: Ensure your domain is set to "" and not ".com."

3: Connect to MailChimp

  • Task 3.1: Scroll to the MailChimp section within "Integrations."

  • Task 3.2: Click the button labeled "Connect to MailChimp."

4: MailChimp Login and Authorization

  • Task 4.1: Log in to your MailChimp account when prompted.

  • Task 4.2: Authorize the connection by clicking "Allow."

5: Confirm Connection and Sync Audience

  • Task 5.1: Confirm you are redirected back to the "Integrations" page and that MailChimp now shows as connected.

  • Task 5.2: Select your preferred MailChimp audience from the dropdown menu.

    • πŸ“ Note: If you don't already have a MailChimp audience, create one first.

  • Task 5.3: Click "Sync Audience" to begin the syncing process.

  • Any new client will be added to this audience! Below is the information collected into Mailchimp.

    • First name

    • Last name

    • Email

    • Birthday

    • If client is a subscriber

    • Date student was first added to Mailchimp

    • Class attended

    • Video viewed

Once added, you can find them directly inside of your audience.

Only clients who opt in to receive marketing + product updates will be added to this list. Note if you added a client on the backend of your dashboard, they will be asked to opt in next time they book class or purchase an item.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set up specific email automations between Arketa and Mailchimp

You can learn more about setting up automations here.

Help! I don't see a specific client

Only clients who opt-in to receive marketing + product updates will be added to this list. Clients added on the backend will not be automatically added unless they opt into marketing emails by booking the next class.

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