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All CollectionsOn-Demand VideoGetting Started
How to set up my video library
How to set up my video library

A step-by-step guide on how to set up your library end to end.

Updated over a week ago

Create category

  1. Click Add New --> Category

  2. Add name, description, preview image and click Save Changes.

Hidden categories: on your website will not appear and only display with a direct link.

Featured category: Pulls the category to the top for the On-Demand Library with Featured Categories view.

Upload Content

  1. Gp to Beyond Classes --> On Demand Video

  1. Click on Add New and Video and upload the following fields and click Save


  1. Class (optional) Note: Allows you to pull over details from a class class. Class attendees will be able to access this recording until the expiration date.

  2. Name

  3. Instructor (who taught the class)* For studios only

  4. Preview Image

  5. Type of video Video file, Youtube or Vimeo Link

  6. File

  7. Playlist link: Share a Spotify or apple music preview

  8. Description

  9. Digital download: Allows you to upload a PDF or other link below the video

Categories & Filters

  1. Categories - Allows you to build horizontal carousels of your videos for easier playing. Add it here.

  2. Filters

    1. Workout type

    2. Body focus

    3. Intensity

    4. Equipment

    5. Duration

    6. Custom filters - great for anything else at all

Pricing & Configuration

  1. Allow users to buy - drop-in purchase price

  2. Allow users to rent - drop-in rental price

    1. Rental Period: How long students can rent the content for. After the period ends the video will lock.

  3. Subscription only - un-check the allow users to buy, rent or drop in only boxes

4. Drop-in / Rental Only - packages + subscriptions not eligible for purchase

5. Creation date - if you post this in the future it won't post until a future date

6. Hide date - will hide the date on the video library

7. Expiration date - date the video pulls from your library

8. Hidden - hides video from the library

Organize / Re-order content

How do I reorder a category?

  1. Go to Beyond Classes --> On-Demand Video --> Categories

  2. Drag and drop using the drag icon to the far left :: to reorder your categories from top to bottom

How do I reorder videos inside of a category.

  1. Tap into a category (see image above)

  2. Drag and drop the videos using the :: icon on the right hand side

Preview library or share link

  1. Copy library URL

  2. Paste the preview link into a new browser

Embed into your website

How to embed entire library

  1. Go to Website Integration

  2. Scroll to the embeds

  3. Copy + paste widget into your website

How to embed / share a single category

  1. Go to Beyond Classes --> On-Demand Video

  2. Tap on categories

  3. Click into category

  4. Click on Share category page

  5. Copy URL to share URL

  6. Embed to copy + paste widget into your website

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