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How to delete or restore a class

If you find you've scheduled a class or classes with an error you can always edit but deleting is also an option!

Updated over a week ago

How to delete a class

  1. Go to Full Schedule and find class

2. Tap on Delete Class

3. Choose if you'd like to refund customers if you have any signed up and tap on Confirm and delete.

  • Deleting a class will automatically remove any enrolled members

  • If you have clients enrolled in the class we suggest auto-refunding.

  • Enrolled clients will not be notified the class has been deleted. We suggest canceling if there are clients enrolled. Canceling will automatically notify clients.

  • Confirm the deletion by typing in DELETE and click "Confirm and Delete"

How to bulk delete classes

  1. Click on the Service Type and select the schedule you would like deleted

    1. If you don't see the class under a Service type, click on Uncategorized

  2. Select the class instance you want deleted

  3. Confirm the deletion by typing in DELETE and click "Confirm and Delete"

Video Walk Thru

How to restore a class

  1. Go to Classes > Full Schedule

  2. In the URL, type or paste in "&deleted=all" and refresh the page

  3. You will now see classes that were previously deleted and you can click on the three dots to restore the class! 😊

Video Walk Thru

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