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How to create a Bundle!

Make dynamic packages using Bundles! Mix and match products with Class Packs, Group Classes with Privates and more!

Updated over a week ago

Bundling class packs with private sessions or products with communities can help customize your client experience. Bundles can be set to recur (subscription) or be a one time purchase. Play around with Bundles to see how you can best meet your unique client needs!

*Scroll to bottom for video tutorial*

​Where to find Bundles in your dashboard:

Go to Setup > Pricing

And in the upper right hand corner click Add New > Bundle

In the upper right hand corner click Add New > Bundle

Choose for the Bundle to be a One-time purchase or Recurring which is essentially a subscription.

You can choose type of Bundle One-time or Recurring which is essentially a subscription

Give your Bundle a name and description for the client view!

Always recommend adding a nice image :)

Always recommend adding a nice image :)

And now we build the Bundle!

  • Click Products to search from all of your existing Products, Class Packs, Gift Cards and Communities for bundling!

  • Add as many Products to your Bundle as you like!

8. Click on Product to add more items

Click on Product to add more items

Create a one time price

Recurring Bundle or Bundle as subscription

Select Recurring bundle at the top of the builder

Click on Recurring bundle

After each product has been added you can decide case by case if that product also recurs. *For example the Bundle we're building here the Class Pack and the Private Session credits will both replenish at the top of each payment cycle

If it were a recurring Class Pack Bundle with socks or a tote however you wouldn't have the socks or tote also recur and would be a one time purchase

From there you're mostly ready to go! Expand Advanced Billing Options depending on what you'd like to do with your Bundle

Click on On the sale date

And Client Communication to help your clients know exactly what they are purchase and know what to expect!

Hit Save!

And a video tutorial of the above :)

Hot Tips and Tricks 🔥

  • You will need to have all products build elsewhere in your dashboard before they can be bundled.

  • Bundles can also be Intro Offers made available for purchase one time by all clients or new clients only (see more on intro offers here)

    You also have the option to make the bundle an Intro Offer (see Intro Offer article) which can be available for purchase one time for all clients or for new clients only.

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