As a business owner, you can now customize the information that is asked as a client builds a profile for the first time to better personalize their experience. You can now require phone number, birthday and shipping address on account creation.
Want to ask more information about the client when they make a purchase. You can collect custom client information at class checkout here.
How to set up
Go to dashboard --> settings
Click the radio button that best matches the client experience you'd like to create
Click "Save changes" and you're all set!
** Keep in mind we recommend creating the simplest account creation experience as possible for your customer. They can always add phone, birthday and shipping later and we only recommend turning these on if they are essential for your business. You can also always ask these during class checkout or ask them to update their client profile instead!
What the client sees when creating an account
How client can edit customized information
All client information in addition the client fields can be adjusted in the profile.