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Add a group class, event or workshop

Add your first class to host on arketa!

Updated over a week ago

Note: Keep in mind we recommend you add a service before adding a class to your schedule! You can learn how to build your services here.

  • Template

    • Pulls from all of your services. If you are adding recurring classes, we recommend building a service first! How to add a service.

  • Experience type

    • Class - a group session that is public on your schedule.

    • Event - a group session with a pretty photo that is drop-in only and cannot be used with packages + subscriptions

    • Workshops - a group session with a pretty photo that is drop-in only and can be used with packages + subscriptions

    • Private Services - a class that does not show up on your public schedule

  • Name

  • Description

  • Preview Image - this shows up in your confirmation emails

  • Where is this hosted?

    • In-person: A physical location

    • Zoom: If your zoom account is connected, we will generate a Zoom link using your Zoom settings

    • Instagram: Great for IG lives

    • Youtube: A youtube link

    • Other: Enter any link you'd like!

  • Who is teaching

    • Add the instructor leading the class

  • When is this happening

    • Specific Date

    • Weekly

    • Start Date + End Date (choose a date range for weekly)

    • Durations - how long class is

  • Drop-In Rate

    • Free - free class

    • Sliding scale - choose a range in which your customers can pay

    • Paid - the price of a single class

    • Package + subscription-only - only packages and memberships can be used in this class.

If you are looking to offer a credit-only refunds package + subscription-only we recommend you build your drop-in as a single class package.

Advanced Settings:

  • Type of workout(s)

  • Area of focus

  • Intensity

  • Suggested Equipment

These show up on your on-demand video filters but that's it for now!

  • Custom confirmation screen - Build out a custom confirmation screen so when students book you offer them the ability to use your own brand or link out to another page.

What is a service and how do I add it

Service Types are different types of services that clients can schedule with you one-on-one. When your students book a 1x1 with you, this is the first thing they will select when scheduling their appointment.

  1. Tap Add New

  2. Select "Experience Type"

  3. Add the following fields and click "Save Changes"

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I edit a class

Tap the pencil icon next to the class from the homepage of the dashboard

Will editing a class impact future classes

No editing or erasing a template will not adjust any sessions that have been previously booked It will also not adjust any sessions that have been previously booked.

What is the difference between a class vs. event, workshop + retreat?

Class: Any group session live on your schedule

Event: By default is drop-in only. Cannot be redeemed on classes or memberships.

Workshop: Same as a class but has a beautiful image on sign up.

Private: Class that is hidden from your schedule.

Workshops + events have beautiful featured images when booking.

Can I invite a guest instructor to teach?

Yes! You can add an instructor via Instructor networks or via our studio plans.

Do I have to host my class on Zoom?

No you can host your classes wherever you'd like! If you prefer to teach on another platform, copy + paste the hosting link.

Can I host classes in-person?

Sure! Just type in the location and we'll send over directions for your student. If you prefer to keep the exact location private, you can input the region and state.

Can I make classes re-occurring? / Can I add multiple classes at once?

Yes! You can schedule as many classes as you'd like in advance. Tap on "weekly" from the drop-down. Please note booking windows for class open up 30 days in advance and Zoom limits 100 classes added per day.

Can I have a maximum capacity?

Yes! Update your max capacity and we'll make sure your classes do not overbook. Once a class books up the Sign-Up button will switch to waitlisted.

Can I make my classes sliding-scale?

Sure! Under Payment details. Update your classes to donation based. From there you can pick a minimum requirement and a suggested price.

What happens if I edit my zoom settings after adding a class?

When you add a class it creates the link with your current Zoom settings. If you update your Zoom settings, after adding a class you must erase all future classes and re-schedule them.

Help! Why is my drop-in rate appear twice at checkout?

This is because you've added the drop-in rate both on the class and you have built a single class package. Either remove the single class package or make the drop-in class "package and subscription only".

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