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Client's First Visit Report
Updated over a week ago





Name of the client


Email of the client

First visit

The date of their first visit to your studio

First visit type

Source of the first visit

Last visit

Date of their last visit

# of visits after first visit

Number of visits after the first visit

Payment method ID

ID of the payment method

Total spend

Total spend of the client

Report Settings




Select date time frame that you would like to view data for


Name of the customer - you can add multiple to this filter!

First visit type

Type of visit - in-person, live, on-demand, private

Last visit

A timeframe of the last visit for a client

# of visits after first visit

Filters such as "greater than," "less than," and "equal to" and more!

Total spend

Filters such as "greater than," "less than," and "equal to" and more!

Total payments

Filters such as "greater than," "less than," and "equal to" and more!

First payment

A timeframe for the client's first payment

Last payment

A timeframe for the client's last payment

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