All reservations for your private classes and sessions will be available for you in the Bookings Report.
The filters you can apply to this report are: Package Name, Instructors, Reservation Type, Start Time, and Date Purchased.
Here is what information can be found in both the preview and the CSV of your Bookings Report:
Column Name | Description | Does it show on preview? |
Id | The booking Id | No |
Booking Location | Where the booking was made from - app, widget, dashboard. | No |
Canceled | If the booking was canceled or not | No |
Canceled_at | When this booking was canceled (if applicable). | No |
Canceled_by | Who canceled the booking - client, administrator, team member. | No |
Deleted | If the booking was deleted by administrator. | No |
First Name | Client's first name. | Yes |
Last Name | Client's last name. | Yes |
Client's email address. | Yes | |
Phone | Client's phone number (if applicable). | No |
Marketing Opt In | Labeled 'TRUE' if client has opted in to marketing communications. Labeled 'FALSE' of not. | No |
Created | Data created. | No |
Date Created | When this booking was created by the client or administrator. | Yes |
Date Time Created | Specific time the booking was created. | Yes |
Class Start Time | Data for when the class started. | Yes |
Class Deleted | Will be labeled 'TRUE' if class was deleted, will be labeled 'FALSE' if not. | No |
Class Start | The date and time the booked service began. | No |
Class Start Date Time | Data for when the class or service booked began with date. | No |
Paid | Will be labeled 'yes' for paid, will be labeled 'no' if client has not completed payment. | No |
Amount Paid | Will reflect what the Stripe payment is set for this booking. | No |
Class Name | The name of the service booked. | Yes |
Class Id | Data for the specific service. | No |
Duration | How many minutes the service was. | No |
Instructor | Who was the instructor for this service. | Yes |
Purchase Id | Date for specific purchase ID. | No |
Purchase Name | The name of the pricing option used on this reservation. | No |
Purchase Period Start | When this purchase type began (helpful for pricing options with expiration or a rental with an expiration time set). | No |
Purchase Period End | When this purchase type ends (helpful for pricing options with expiration or a rental with an expiration time set). | No |
Reservation Type | What type of pricing option was used for this booking (subscription, package, bundle, etc). | Yes |
Late Cancel | Did this client or administrator late cancel this booking. Will be labeled 'TRUE' if late canceled, will be labeled 'FALSE' if not. | No |
Location | Where was this booking created, map location from Google will be linked if applicable. | No |
Location Id | The location Id data (if applicable). | No |
Location Name | State or providence of the booking, for example NY for New York based bookings. | No |
Location Address | Will show the location of the in person booking if applicable. This would be your studio or business address. | No |
Categories | Date for categorized bookings (if applicable). | No |
Checked In | Was this client checked in for their booking, will be labeled 'FALSE' if not and labeled 'TRUE' if yes. | No |
User Id | User Id data. | No |
Coupon Code | Will have the promo code used listed here (if applicable). | Yes |
Milestone Count | Will show the client's milestone total (if applicable). | No |
Payment Gross Amount | The gross $ amount paid on this booking. | No |
Payment Net Amount | The net $ amount paid on this booking. | No |
Payment Application Fee Amount | The payment application $ amount paid on this booking (if applicable). | No |
Recurring Reservation Id | If this booking is a recurring booking, the data Id will show here. | No |
Created Date | When the booking was created. | No |