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arketa Asset Dimensions

Learn the optimal sizes for building an app with arketa

Updated over 2 years ago

Design Recommendations Arketa


  1. Video Images:

    1. Size: 16:9 thumbnails, 800x450 Pixels recommended for optimal load time

    2. Format: jpg

  2. Video Files:

    1. Format: mP4 or MOV

  3. Embed Colors:

    1. Button Color

    2. Background Color

    3. Text Color

  4. Embed Font: Any standard font from Google fonts

    1. Primary font

    2. Secondary font

Mobile App: Design

  1. Photos:

    1. App icon (on home page of your phone): 1024 x 1024px

    2. Home Page of App Icon (vertical): 480 x 180px

  2. Home Page of your App

    1. App Name Max 30 characters β€’ used on login screen

    2. Login Page Description: Max 140 characters β€’ used on login screen

    3. Login Page Background Image: 1080 x 1920px

  3. Color App: Hex Codes

    1. Primary Button Color

    2. Primary Button Text Color

    3. Surface Color

    4. Surface Text Color

AppStore Product Page

  1. AppStore App Name: Max 30 characters

  2. AppStore Subtitle: Max 30 characters

  3. AppStore Keywords: Comma separated list - Max 100 characters

  4. AppStore Description


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