Recurring Reservations

Enroll students into multiple classes at the same time!

Updated over a week ago

πŸ’‘ Please note: This is a premium feature and is only available to partners on our studio tiers. Please live chat us if you're interested in learning more!

As a business owner, you can add clients into multiple classes at once directly from the class check in screen or client profile. The feature at this stage is available only to the business owner and not client facing.

How to add a recurring booking!

You can add a recurring reservation to any classes that have been scheduled in bulk. For example if you schedule your classes out several weeks in advance you can see this from the schedule list view, indicated with a Recurring tag. These classes are eligible for recurring bookings.

2. To schedule a client for a recurring booking

  • click into the class that will be the first date in the clients series

  • Add client from drop down list or add new

  • select payment method (more details on how recurring booking affects payment below)

  • select Add client to future classes and adjust the end date the bookings will end on

  • Hit Add button so save reservations!

You can also schedule clients recurring bookings from the client profile page!

  • click into profile

  • go to Actions in the upper right hand corner

  • Select Book into group class

  • From this drop down you'll be given the full list of all group class offerings. use this drop down as a start date for the recurring series.

  • from there the workflow is exactly like booking from the class roster select payment, Add to Future Classes, and select how many occurrences.

  • hit Book Class

You'll then be able to see the bookings in the client Reservation History tab of the client profile.

How to resolve payments on unpaid reservations!

Regardless of how the client pays for the first, Free, Unpaid, Class Pack or Drop in, you will be able to resolve all payments from the class roster. You'll see at quick glance in the class roster if the appointment was booked as a recurring booking and if payment has been resolved. Indicated with a "Recurring" tag and an "Unpaid" tag.

To resolve the payment before, after, or during class tap the three dots to the right of the client name under Actions. From here you can select all payment types available including class packs and subscription that are already on the clients account if applicable to the class.

Frequently Asked Questions

If a client pays for the first class with a drop in or class pack, will they automatically be charged for all recurring classes the same way?

Nope! The first class will go to the payment method selected and all following appointments will be marked as Unpaid until adjusted by the business owner. Each class payment will be selected separately.

My client wants to book out for many months but can't make one class between now and then, how do I schedule that?

You have two options! One you can schedule from start to end date and then go in and manually delete the one class in the middle they won't be attending. OR you can schedule in two parts, all dates before they are away, all dates after they return.

What do I do if I selected the wrong payment method when resolving?

Not to worry once resolved you go go back to the class roster > tap on the three dots under Actions and Switch payment method. This will redeem whatever charge or credit you are switching from:

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