Mailchimp Setup Guide
Updated over a week ago

Automated email: Emails that are scheduled to be sent automatically when certain trigger occurs (such as an automatic welcome email being sent to a new follower).

Broadcast email: Emails that are sent one time to the entire community or a segment of your community (such as a flash sale or monthly newsletter)

Setting up an email campaign:

Community Building

Promotion and Upsell

Retention Emails

Community Building

Welcome to the Community (AUTOMATION)

Send an email to new members of your community to share more about your offings, special upcoming events, how to best reach you and more.

When to send it: Immediately after added to Mailing list

What we recommend you include:

How to set it up:

2. Click Welcome New Subscribers

3. Build a single campaign or onboarding series

4. Build out Subject, Content and click on "Start Sending"

Birthday Email (AUTOMATION)

Birthday emails are a great way to connect with your members right around the time of their special day. By default, arketa will add the birthday tag to the email in the client profile so all you need to do is set it up!

When to send it: 3-5 Days before member's birthday

What we recommend you include:

How to set it up:

2. Click Say 'happy birthday'

3. Design email and click next

  • Trigger

  • Schedule

  • Subject line + body

4. Tap Start Sending

Anniversary Email (AUTOMATION)

How to set it up:

2. Tap on Audience added date

3. Tap on Edit next to Trigger to be when you'd like the anniversary to occur, 30 days, 1 year etc.

3. Edit date and click Update Trigger

4. Edit email body, subject line and design click Next + Start Sending

Members only Email (BROADCAST MARKETING)

Send email to members only such as special perks, members only updates and to make them feel special.

When to send it: When you have special updates, perks and more.

What we recommend you include:

How to set it up:

  1. Tap on Campaigns --> Create Campaign

2. Segment email to only send to Tags --> contacts is tagged Platform Subscriber

Promotion and Upsell

Non-members to membership (BROADCAST MARKETING)

Send emails to customers, to remind them the value membership or offer a special discount.

When to send it: When you have a bunch of non-members you'd like to offer a special deal on memberships.

What we recommend you include:

How to set it up: Same as above expect Tags --> contact is not tagged --> Platform_Subscriber. To get even more specific you can find contacts who are not subscribers and are taking class.

Add second tag

Custom Engagement --> Booked Class --> Has occurred within --> 1 month

Custom Engagement --> Unlocked Video --> Has occurred within --> 1 month

Special offers or referral offers (MARKETING)

When to send it: Whenever you'd like to highlight a new feature, celebrate a holiday and promote new purchase.

What we recommend you include: A reward such as 20% off all class packages etc.

How to set it up: Click here!

Retention Emails

We miss you email (SINGLE-SEND)

When to send it: After 30 days if a student hasn't booked a class or watched a video.

What we recommend you include: A gentle reminder to come back to take with you!

How to set it up:

2. Segment email to only send to

Tags --> Custom Engagement Booked Class --> Has not occurred within 1 month

Membership cancellation (AUTOMATION)

When to send it: Immediately after a student cancels.

What we recommend you include: An offer or reason to come back. You can create this special offer inside of arketa packages.

How to set it up:

2. Tap on Email subscribers when they're tagged

3. Edit date and settings to be "Cancelled Subscriber"

4. Edit email body, subject line and design click Next + Start Sending

Help! I can't find my classic automations

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