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Reports Overview

Everything you need to know about analyzing your business

Updated over a week ago


In the Reports tab, you can now dive deeper into the following parts of your business. You can filter or export any of your data to take a more detailed look.

Filter your Data Before Exporting

If you'd like to filter the data before exporting, you can filter each tab before pulling the export. Filtering a tab will ensure you only pull the exact report you'd like.

Filters are located in the upper right hand corner of each report. Once you select the filters, tap Submit to save your changes and the report will automatically update.

Each report has multiple filters which are specific to the report you are pulling.

Note: If there are two date filters on the report, you may only filter by one date at a time. Filtering two dates will cause an error in the report.

How to Export Your Data

You can export any of the reports by tapping the button "Export to CSV" in your dashboard. Many of the exported data sets will include more information than is displayed in your dashboard.

How to Favorite a Report

You can now favorite a report to build a custom one of your own.

  1. Tap into any report and filter the report

  2. Tap "Save as favorite" on the custom filter you've built

3. Name the report something memorable for the next time you'd like to come back

4. Tap on the tab reports and all of your favorites will float to the tap. Tap into the report to view / edit the name. Tap the ... dots to remove the report from your dashboard.

Learn more about each report!


  1. Active Subscriptions All subscriptions that are currently active.

  2. Bookings This shows which students booked classes, how much they paid, and what they signed up for. Note: Instructors are listed in the export of this data!

  3. Clients first visit: See which clients have interacted with your business and see how many times they have attended the business in total

  4. Gifts + Promotions This shows the gift cards + promo codes offered and how many were redeemed, and the balance remaining on gift cards.


  1. Bookings This shows which students booked classes, how much they paid, and what they signed up for. Note: Instructors are listed in the export of this data!

  2. Total Sales - This shows a summary of all of the money you have transacted via your arketa business.

3. Private Bookings A history of reservations for private sessions

4. Late Cancel / No Show: Displays all clients who have cancelled passed the booking window or who have signed up but were not checked into class.

5. Sales for Each Class How much revenue was made for each class.

6. Disputed payments: Displays a list of any payments that have been disputed by the customer with dispute management.


  1. Active Subscriptions All subscriptions that are currently active.

2. All Subscriptions / New Subscriptions This shows any subscription purchases, the status of the subscription and when the next charge date is set to renew. Filter for active members to keep them loyal, or send win back campaigns to those who have canceled.

Tip ๐Ÿ’ก You can filter a date range to find how many new subscriptions you have in any given period.

4. Canceled Subscriptions All subscriptions that will cancel in the future or have been cancelled.

5. Active Trials / Introductory Subscriptions A list of subscriptions in active trials or first period of their intro offer.

6. Past Due Subscriptions Subscriptions with an outstanding balance. Note: Stripe may automatically cancel these subscriptions if payment is not recovered.


  1. On Demand Video Report on unique video views by each client.

2. On-Demand This shows all of your on-demand content offered and the total amount of views per video broken down by view count and category. You can export this data to understand which videos are post popular and find out the most popular class categories + class lengths.


  1. Client's First Visit See which clients have interacted with your business and see how many times they have attended the business in total

2. Gifts + Promos This shows the gift cards + promo codes offered and how many were redeemed, and the balance remaining on gift cards.

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