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How do I edit text and images on my arketa website?
How do I edit text and images on my arketa website?

Using your editor to easily swap images and replace text!

Updated over a year ago

Editing text and images on your arketa website using your webflow editor tool is easy to do!

Login to your editor

First, ensure you are logged into your webflow editor by adding ?edit to the end of your URL. For example, if your website is, you can access the log in to your editor by typing and logging in.

Edit Text

  1. Hover over the text you want to edit until you see the pencil icon bubble appear in the top right corner of the box.

2. Click on the pencil icon to create cursor

3. Edit text freely.

Edit Images

  1. Hover over the image you want to edit until you see the photo icon bubble appear in the top right corner of the box.

2. Click on the photo icon to open up the files on your device.

3. Select the photo you want to swap in, and select Open.

Pro Tip πŸ’‘

When editing photos, edit size and shape before replacing on your webiste as there is not a way to edit photos once they are in your website. We like using Canva!

Video How-To:

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